Click on the blog post {aka Show Notes} for any podcast below and the links are at the bottom! Enjoy!
Show Notes:
[0:22] We have gotten a request to talk about siblings and having them there for your birth. Not your siblings, but your child's siblings. So if this is second, third, fourth, whatever, or you're pregnant with your first, stay right here, because you will eventually have another baby, and this is one of those fun things that we get to discuss.
[2:16] I will say children are so much more in tune to the needs, the situation, and the sacredness of the space than we give them credit for. The births that I have been a part of where siblings have been part of that birth story, they just get it.
[6:07] Little kids are smart. So we don't have to sugarcoat things. You can really be clear with them that baby's coming out of mommy's privates or vagina. Or I might make some vocal noises at this time, or this might happen, but if you understand what's going on with your body so that you can walk them through the process of what it might look like and what...
Show Notes:
[2:02] Our Review of the Week is Katie, who says, "I had felt so defeated after having a traumatic vaginal birth full of interventions and a painful C-section with my 2nd. With my 3rd, I wasn’t even sure I wanted to even try for a VBAC as I had no confidence in my own ability to birth my baby. Then…. as if by divine intervention, I found this podcast during that 3rd pregnancy. It changed everything for me. I went from feeling like birth happened to me twice to going on to have two more babies via beautiful and redemptive VBACs (last one completely unmedicated). Stephanie does a great job informing mothers on their options and potential hiccups in the pregnancy and birthing process so listeners can make the best decision for themselves and their babies. This podcast and the birth course are a must for any woman. My husband was also grateful for the easily digestible information from both the podcast and course. I am forever thankful and still listen to...
Show Notes:
[0:43] Intro
[1:45] Today's episode was actually inspired by one of our My Essential Birth Mamas from the birth course. She posted in the Facebook group asking, "I'm a young mom, and I've got a couple of children. I'm feeling overwhelmed and touched out by the time my husband gets home. Is this normal? I'm over stimulated, overwhelmed. I want to be nice to my kids. I want to be nice to my husband." What was awesome about it was there was just a flood of moms that were like, "Oh my gosh, I'm with you. I see you. I get it. And yes, it's normal."
So we reached out to some of our moms that had really great advice and we asked them to share it with you today.
[3:00] Chelsie's advice - "Don't sweat the small stuff."
[6:02] Rebekah's advice - "Give yourself time throughout the day." "When you have kids, you have to just lower your standards about what you're able to do. Even after the baby starts growing up, then you have to take care of this little one on top of...
Show Notes:
1:32 - Reviewer of the week
2:56 - Megan's background
12:19 - Leading into labor
13:46 - Induced labor and Pitocin
18:31 - Birth #2
23:39 - Megan's providers
24:45 - What changed for Megan's next pregnancy?
33:07 - What inspired Megan to interview an out-of-hospital provider?
35:21 - 42-hour labor
40:21 - Megan's mission
43:00 - Is there a certain time to get a VBAC?
45:29 - How much does uterine rupture increase with multiple VBACs?
48:55 - Do most midwives accept patients who are planning a VBAC?
51:17 - Preparing for your VBAC
53:31 - Where to find Megan
To Leave a Review
ALL the best,
Links Mentioned:
Show Notes:
[0:47] Our guest today is Dr. Jessica London, a doctor of physical therapy, pelvic floor therapist, pre and postnatal coach, podcast host of "What about Mom?" and founder and owner of Your Postpartum PT.
[1:48] Jessica's background
[4:14] "Pelvic health doesn't even start. It starts before pregnancy. Oftentimes, what we see is problems being exacerbated by pregnancy or the childbirth itself. A lot of times people think, 'Oh, I'm only going to have pelvic floor issues once I have a child and I'm pregnant and I am postpartum.' But we have a lot of women that also struggle with leakage or prolapse or pain with intimacy, even prior to ever bearing a child or becoming pregnant."
[5:24] Heavy feeling in the pelvic area after giving birth
[7:49] When to start preventative exercises
[9:34] "I find that you get the best outcomes and the best support if you start in pregnancy, but also just to validate it's never too early and it's never too...
Show Notes:
[0:25] In today's episode, we'll answer: "What if I don't make it to my birthplace?"
[1:27] I want to calm most of your nerves and let you know that the majority of you that are listening is not going to have this issue whatsoever! When you come from a place of knowledge, then you don't have to be in a place of fear should these things happen.
[3:30] "The thing is, babies come when they want to. That part is very normal and natural too. With all of our best guessing, even when we're going to our providers those last couple of weeks or whatever, and they're saying, 'you're this much dilated and you're this much effaced.' Or even when a well meaning provider says, 'I bet I'm going to see you this Saturday.' We don't get to choose that. The babies get to choose. Most of the time, we get an opportunity to kind of work into labor and there's an ebb and flow to it.
[6:46] If you don't think you'll make it to your birth place in time, call an ambulance. Let...
Show Notes:
00:00 - Episode preview
00:48 - Intro
01:49 - About Elizabeth
03:39 - Elizabeth's first birth story
07:54 - Conceiving
09:48 - Desires for pregnancy #2
15:30 - What it felt like to be pregnant a second time
17:30 - Things that came up during pregnancy
21:40 - Elizabeth's birth team
24:25 - Knowing your doula vs not knowing
25:54 - Pregnancy prep
31:30 - Birth story
34:08 - When did Elizabeth know for certain it was time?
38:17 - Contraction to birth
"I feel like I can understand a little bit of women who say contractions are not necessarily painful because it is about how you approach it. This contraction cannot be stronger than me because it is me."
42:12 - When did Elizabeth decide to go into the hospital?
48:46 - Back labor and her doula
56:16 - How close were her contractions before her epidural?
58:06 - After her epidural
66:11 - Previous pregnancy ...
Show Notes:
[1:35] Our Reviewer of the Week is Mcragle, and she said: "I started listening to this podcast around 34 weeks into my 2nd pregnancy. I wish I would've found this podcast my first pregnancy and maybe things would've been a little different. I was worried I wouldn't be able to hear all the important details I needed since I joined later in my pregnancy. But boy was I wrong! I ended up listening to the podcast and finished about 95% of the my essential birth course with my husband. I felt so much more empowered that my body could do this all on its own, with the help of the techniques give by Stephanie and Courtney and with the help of my amazing husband. I was able to have an amazing unmedicated birth I didn't think I was even capable of doing. It truly is an amazing podcast and I would recommend to anyone having a baby to listen! Even if you're like me and not experiencing your first birth. I also loved hearing their unbiased & differing...
Show Notes:
1:04 - Intro
02:05 - Amy's background
07:11 - What does exercise do for us when we're pregnant?
16:04 - How Amy runs her program
18:39 - Strength training
24:12 - What should you do to prepare for labor in addition to exercise?
31:15 - Things to do that prepare your body for birth
35:03 - What to do about hemorrhoids
38:31 - How to tell if you're exercising the right amount or too much
42:06 - Stretching
44:17 - Where to find Amy and how to connect with her
To Leave a Review
ALL the best,
Links Mentioned:
Show Notes:
[1:51] Our Reviewer of the Week, is klc_style, and she said: "If you’re thirsty for knowledge and want to dive deep into pregnancy learning, then this podcast is for you. I have already been through pregnancy twice with pretty good experiences, but the My Essential Birth Podcast has expanded my understanding of not only the birth process, but with tools to help me navigate the ever changing medical landscape of pregnancy and birth. I think the greatest tool of all is the in-depth research that Stephanie provides as well a relatable and caring touch. Stephanie is not only a great host but someone who truly cares about her listeners and wants to help women have positive birth experiences. I know this because she has discussed my questions personally and given me resources to explore on my own. I’m so glad I found this podcast!"
[3:21] Our guest today is Taylor Dilk, mama of 11 month old, Dallas, the Co-Founder and CEO of Athleisure Brand...
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