7 of the Most Common Interventions during Birth & Labor

Show Notes:

[2:06] Our Reviewer of the Week, Leeamandamay184 says: “I’ve never written a podcast review before, and I BINGE podcasts all day. This has been so helpful in creating a birth plan and know what to expect! As a first time mom, I only know what [horror] stories I’ve been told by others and from all the research I’ve done. I feel much more prepared now and will most likely be purchasing the class from myessentialbirth.com!”

[3:08] Today’s episode is about 7 of the most common interventions women may come up against in a hospital birth setting. I think we can all agree that most moms want to have the best possible birth experience, right? If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, you probably want a low intervention birth. Sometimes interventions are necessary, but often times they are not. However, there are things that you can do to avoid them.

[3:51] 1. Triage 

[9:22] 2. Changing into your hospital gown

[12:02] 3. Hooking you up to IVs as soon as you're admitted

[15:32] 4. Continuous Feel Monitoring

[20:24] 5. Breaking your bag of waters

[22:22] 6. Pitocin

[29:15] 7. C-section

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