Gestational Diabetes: What to Know

If you...

  • are pregnant and wondering what Gestational Diabetes is
  • are coming up on your Gestational Diabetes test
  • have been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes

...we cover everything you need to know with Diabetes Specialist, Karina Robinson, in this episode! Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @myessentialbirth and for even more great info head over check out our totally FREE Pregnancy Exercise Guide & other incredible downloads at

[1:54] Get to know Karina Robinson, Diabetes Specialist
[3:07] A little about her Gestational Diabetes Course
[3:47] What is Gestational Diabetes?
[5:16] How GD differs from Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes
[5:36] Who is at risk for having Gestational Diabetes
[6:19] What you can do to prevent it!
[7:58] The 1 hour and 3-hour test
[9:30] What if I fail the 1-hour test?
[11:07] The main concerns for baby if mom is diagnosed with GD
[13:35] Options for mom, including home birth
[14:15] Karina's Birth Stories with Diabetes
[15:43] Shoulder Dystocia
[20:58] When induction is necessary for Gestational Diabetes
[23:09] Gestational Diabetes and Cesarean Birth
[26:33] Questions from our listeners - That's YOU! (prunes, diet, vitamins/supplements, food vs. glucose drink,
[30:15] Karina's Gestational Diabetes Course
[31:33] What diet looks like if you get diagnosed with GD
[32:14] Is Gestational Diabetes done right after you have your baby?
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