Induction Without an Epidural

 This week we're breaking down everything you need to know to prepare yourself physically and mentally for an induction without an epidural. I cannot stress the importance of going into labor with the mindset of possibly having an induction and preparing yourself for that outcome. I'll also discuss all things Pitocin: what it is, what it does, and how it can affect you, your baby, and labor. By getting your body and mind ready before you even go into labor, you can achieve an unmedicated birth despite being induced. 🤱🏼

Show Notes:

[1:16] Our reviewer of the week, iheartdonuts, started listening to the podcast to prepare for her "dream birth." She wanted to be as informed as possible and be prepared to advocate for herself and her daughter. She said, "The evidence based info is exactly what you need to dig deeper and do even more research for yourself and your baby. It'll make you feel more prepared for whatever comes your way in your birth story."

Listening, putting in the work, and using the knowledge for yourself is exactly why I'm here! 💕 The goal is for you to take this information and do something with it! The My Essential Birth Course is laid out in a step-by-step process. The podcast allows me to dive in to deeper specifics with you. 

[4:20] This week's episode is about what an induction looks like without an epidural. A question I often receive is: "How can I have an unmedicated induction?" 🤔

[4:45] I'm going to talk about and break down these topics:

  • What you can expect from an induction
  • Reasons why a mom might need an induction
  • Different reasons women choose to get the epidural or not get the epidural
  • Turning the Pitocin on, off, or down
  • The most important things you can do to prepare for an induction

[5:21] If you're listening and haven't downloaded the NEW exercise guide, be sure to click this link! It's the same three exercises, BUT the guide now has a downloadable workbook, audio walkthrough, a video of how to do the exercises, a tracker, free goodies, and more! The goal is to make sure your pregnancy and birth is easier, more comfortable, and to ensure you have guidance! 🧘🏼‍♀️

[6:15] "What is an induction?" This episode is an eye-opener for all moms, and every mom should prepare her body as if she will be getting an induction. Personally, I have seen a large push for inductions, but there are things to do to prevent it and prepare for it! 🤰🏼

[7:25] I explain the difference between medical induction and natural induction. Medical induction is done in a hospital setting with a hospital provider. I give the three different types of induction and how they affect mom.

[10:48] I talk about why someone would need an induction and also reasons providers may give for scheduling an induction. 

[12:36] "Why do some women choose to have an epidural with Pitocin?" "If they want an unmedicated birth, shouldn't they be able to have an unmedicated birth?" Yes and no! I talk about roadblocks to being induced and wanting an unmedicated birth. ⚠️ 🚧

[16:00] Let's talk all things Pitocin. What is it? How do they administer it? What kind of contractions does it cause? How does it feel? How does it affect moms mentally?

[19:09] A question I get a lot: "Can I turn the Pitocin off?" Yes . . . and it's a touch tricky. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I talk about the effects turning the Pitocin on, off, or down can have on you and your baby. Remember, the more time you're in labor, the harder it can be on you . . . AND on baby.

[22:04] What is THE most important thing you can do for induction? 🥁 drum roll 🥁 THE PREP WORK before birth. This is why every mom should approach birth with the thought of possibly needing an induction and be ready for it!

[22:31] The success of an induction greatly depends on the readiness of the body. I talk about Bishop scores and what the score tells a provider about how likely an induction is going to be successful for mom. I talk about the five factors of the score:

  • Dilation (how open your cervix is)
  • Station (how high or low your baby is in the pelvis)
  • Effacement (how thin your cervix is)
  • Consistency (firmness/softness of the cervix)
  • Position (anterior or posterior) 

[24:51] What can you do to prepare your body with supplements? 🌿

[26:56] What can you do to prepare physically and mentally for labor? 💪🏼 I talk about all the things you can do now to start preparing for your labor. 🧠

[39:31] Just a reminder, if you want to do an induction without an epidural, YOU CAN! 🎉 If you need to utilize a tool like an epidural, it's okay to do it and it'll be good! 🎉

[39:56] The prep work is going to have a big impact on how smoothly the induction goes. We can have an affect on those things! The more smoothly the induction goes, the more quickly labor will go! 😊

[40:55] There is a difference between knowing you can do hard things/pushing through and trauma/suffering. It can be a fine line. Don't look back on your birth with regret. At any point, it's okay to say that you need extra support. ❤️

[42:21] I invite you to take a good birth course. All of the things we talked about today are covered in our My Essential Birth Course! Feel free to reach out at any time to [email protected]. If you have more questions about the birth course, you can click the link here for more information.

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