Is Cesarean Birth Safer than Vaginal Birth?


Show Notes:

[1:52] Our Reviewer of the Week, kayceejanaej, said, "As a first time mom I found the podcast and started binging everything Steph had to offer. I felt so prepared throughout pregnancy, labor and delivery because of her tools and recommendations. I ultimately chose to do an unmedicated birth in a low intervention labor room with an OB who followed my birth map and respected my decisions. I wouldn’t change a thing about my pregnancy, labor or delivery because of the knowledge I gained and autonomy I had throughout! I send this podcast to all of my friends when they find out they’re pregnant!"

[2:42] This is one of those topics I feel is really important to dive into! I don't know what is happening in the birth world, but you mamas are going through it. I feel like providers are just throwing it at you every direction and more and more moms seem to be just led down a path that they're not totally in love with when it's all said and done. So if you are here and you are listening, please take all this information in. Enjoy it. And utilize it. I would say learn as much as you can about birth.

[3:51] Find your voice. You are the only one that is going to be able to stand up and say, "Yes, I want this to happen to my body" or "No, I'm not okay with that." The only way you're going to feel confident doing that is if you understand your why behind it. If you can look at a provider in the face and say, "I do not want to schedule a 39, 40, 41 week induction because I am aware that my body and baby are healthy because of these parameters and I trust the process of birth and being able to allow my body to do this" and to feel confident when you're saying it.

[6:32] You are capable of making these decisions for yourself. You do not have to be bullied or coerced into believing that your body is not capable of growing the right size baby for your body and knowing how to birth it. From the beginning of time, that's how everybody is here. Period. End of story. Yes, we can go into all kinds of, you know, if we didn't have this and this and this intervention, we would have all these scary whatevers. But you know what? The majority of women today, with the care that's given, with the health that we have, the things that we know about health and science, we have enough knowledge, we have the right information to be able to grow a very healthy baby, and then to allow our bodies to birth that baby in a natural way where we leave it alone and trust the process. You are strong enough to do it, both mentally and emotionally, and you should not have to fight for it. But you know what? If you do, it's worth it. If you do find yourself having to stand up and use your voice, it is worth it.

[14:08] C-Section Myth #1: C-Sections are easier than a vaginal birth. It's just not true. It is a major abdominal surgery. Any kind of surgery is going to be trickier for mom, trickier for baby, and the healing time is definitely going to be a lot more intense. You do get to schedule your date, bypass some of the contractions, but the recovery is going to be more difficult, and it's going to last longer.

[14:50] C-Section Myth #2: If I have one Cesarean birth, all of my births need to be Cesarean. There are rare cases like a T-shaped uterus where that may be true, but VBAC births are possible and can be an option for mamas.

[16:14] C-Section Myth #3: If you have a C section, you can't do things like immediate skin-to-skin or delayed cord clamping or breastfeeding right away. That's not true either. In some cases, it might be, if there's issues with mom, if there's issues with baby, but otherwise, with a healthy mom, a healthy baby, and a supportive provider, these things are totally available for you. 

[17:11] What are the pros of a Cesarean? 

  • Scheduled in advance by your provider
  • You know, the birth date
  • Avoid risks (shoulder dystocia, vacuum extraction, forceps, or an episiotomy)
  • Reduced pain during labor and birth
  • Minimize the risk of the pelvic floor dysfunction

[20:23] What are the cons of a Cesarean?

  • Major abdominal surgery
  • Six to eight weeks full recovery
  • Risks like infection to the incision or scar site
  • Possible injury to blood vessels or other organs in the body
  • Potential hemorrhaging
  • Higher risk of blood clots because after having surgery
  • Can't lift things that are heavier than your baby
  • Makes breastfeeding a little bit more difficult
  • Coughing and sneezing does not feel great
  • Babies born via cesarean tend to have a greater risk of asthma
  • May be able to do that skin to skin

[24:38] What are the pros of a vaginal birth?

  • Safest option for mom and for baby
  • Easier recovery
  • You have that quick bonding with the baby
  • Immediate skin to skin
  • Less chance of infection
  • Baby gets all that good bacteria that happens through the birth canal
  • Shorter hospital stay

[27:29] What are the cons of a vaginal birth?

  • More painful labor and birth experience
  • Possible weakening of the pelvic floor muscles
  • Utilizing the strength of your body
  • Risk of prolapse or bladder incontinence
  • Possible intervention like (forceps extraction, episiotomy, etc.)
  • Risk of shoulder dystocia

[30:15] When might a Cesarean be the safest option for birth?

  • Placenta previa
  • Prior cesarean with a T-shaped scar
  • Uterine abnormalities
  • If baby has any birth defects
  • Baby that's lying transverse
  • If you are high risk (preeclampsia)
  • If you're carrying multiples

[32:15] Quick note to the VBAC mamas! I've linked some articles and studies about VBACs, Cesareans, and vaginal birth in the Show Notes.

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