Prenatal Nutrition: The Lies & The Truth, with Candi Frazier

Show Notes:

[1:20] Our guest this week is Candi Frazer, the creator of Primal Bod. She is a Board-Certified in Holistic Nutrition ("BCHN") and has been practicing as a Certified Functional Nutrition Therapy Practitioner ("FNTP") for over 6 years. Before she started her nutrition practice, Candi traveled the country teaching hundreds of medical doctors, chiropractors, and other healthcare professionals about the power of nutrition and supplementation. She created a tool called the Primal Bod System, which has helped her and hundreds of women just like her finally take control of their bodies for good.

[4:39] Candi introduces herself and talks about her interest in midwifery and being a doula in another life. Even though Candi doesn't work with pregnant women right now, it is still a big passion of hers to help support women through pregnancy and nursing. Candi shares about how her diabetic husband's journey helped her figure out what our bodies need in order to maintain a healthy balance.

"I finally put the pieces together and realized that that's our true fuel source. Protein and fat are our fuel sources. Our body does a process called gluconeogenesis that breaks protein into glucose. So we don't really need to eat any glucose. We just need to eat meat. And when I understood that and I started. you know, seeing the results in hundreds of other women. It was like rinse and repeat. You can't fail when you do the right things."

[16:51] Candi shares her experience with how her eating habits affected all three of her pregnancies differently.

[22:37] Candi dives into what our bodies need to thrive. Spoiler alert, it's not carbs! It's glucose!

"Western medicine would like you to believe that your servings of all your whole grains, and your fruits and vegetables, are going to make you grow your baby strong. And that couldn't be further from the truth. That is the thing that is going to wreck your blood sugar and weaken your development of your child, weaken your gut bacteria, make you store more toxins, which we dump into our children. We dump our toxins into our fetus. That's what happens. And you will end up in a worse state of health trying to eat what everybody else is telling you is healthy."

"Meat is your proper human food. Meat and animal fat are what is going to grow your baby strong. Give it a strong immune system. Make your breast milk like perfect so that you grow that baby's brain and that you're healthy through the entire process of that because that's nature wants you to procreate and bring in healthy children to go on and further that population. That's what we were designed to do."

[36:14] Candi talks about what she wishes she had eaten when pregnant. She emphasizes the importance of protein and how eating meat is vital for baby's growth and development. Candi recommends:

  • Eating a minimum 200 to 250 grams of protein a day
  • Walking and squatting

[49:28] Candi discusses how PCOS is insulin related. Endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, polyps, cysts, fibroids, all of that stuff is connected back to a high insulin environment. It's too much sugar in the blood for too long. The body has to produce the insulin, and it's irritating to the body. All that hormonal dysfunction is linked to metabolic dysfunction. If you are getting control over your diet and your blood sugar right away, you won't have any issues. 

[50:20] What are supplements that Candi recommends? 

"I'm not a big supplement person. I don't really like the supplements, fish oil, or eat a can of sardines every day. You should be getting fish oil for the DHA for the baby's brain. Folate is really important, but you can get that in egg yolk and liver. We didn't have prenatal vitamins at our fingertips out in the wild for thousands of years. Prenatal vitamins are a new thing, right? The reason we have them is because our diet is so poor. If you choose a prenatal, choose wisely. Choose a whole foods prenatal vitamin from a practitioner or grade supplement company. Don't just go out there and wing it. Do not go on Centrum from Walgreens. That is horribly toxic for you and your baby. You want to get iodine for you and your baby."

Candi recommends taking a really good grass fed beef liver supplement, or get your own beef liver or chicken liver and cook it up and eat it yourself. Eat a little bit every day to get your folate in. You don't need to get it from foliage like they tell you. You need it from the organ meats from liver and egg yolks. You can do the supplements if you want, but they're really not necessary if you eat the proper human diet.

[52:28] Candi talks about Primal Body. They are not currently working with pregnant and nursing women, but once you're done nursing, you can join the Primal Bod program! It is a weight loss program. They get to the root of the problem, which is not eating the right foods. It's like a college course because you're learning so much about your body, the anatomy, physiology, the blood sugar, you'll understand it all by the time you're done with the program, you will understand how it all works, how insulin works, how your glycogen stores work, how to get into ketosis and stay there safely because you can wreck your metabolism going too high on ketones and getting into too deep of levels of ketosis because it mimics famine in nature and any time you're in famine in nature, your body is going to shut down. They've helped thousands of women now, and not only do they have the body they've always wanted. But they feel their most vibrant, authentic selves come through.

[56:47] We have a code for you! If you're interested in the Primal Bod program, use the code MEB100 for $100 off of her program!

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