Things They Don't Tell You: Pregnancy Edition
Being pregnant is so much fun and we can prove it! Jump into this episode with us and learn about all the fun, disturbing, embarrassing, downright laughable things you have to look forward to as that baby and belly grow.
[2:35] Breasts, nausea, weight gain stretch marks + stuffy noses
[9:25] Sensitivity to smells, warmer body temp, and yes, your feet may grow
[16:00] Prenatal Depression, yes it's a thing
[17:32] Constipation and other happenings downstairs
[20:55] Leg cramps, metallic tastes, and too many pillows
[24:42] Ridiculous pregnancy dreams
[28:49] Unsolicited advice - what's the quote about opinions being like bumholes?...everyone has one. HA!
[32:00] Remember the good
[33:06] Be Kind Anyways - Adapted by us from Mother Teresa
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Links mentioned in this episode:
- Magnesium Supplement