Click on the blog post {aka Show Notes} for any podcast below and the links are at the bottom! Enjoy!
Does the thought of birth send your anxiety through the roof? If so, hang tight because the episode is for YOU.
Each day we receive messages from women who admit to being terrified to give birth, and it's easy to see why. In the United States, we treat birth as a medical crisis that demands immediate intervention --these practices put medical staff in the driver seat and women in the back seat as casual observers of their births. Unless there are complications, evidence supports that our bodies will instinctively move, sway, and adjust to put mom and baby into the ideal position for birth.
Grab your birthing partner and tune in as my husband (yep...he's back!) and I give the benefits of several birthing positions that are going to make your pregnancy and birth just that much easier. Plus, you'll hear about how we work through them together, snippets from our birth story, and different ways partners and doulas can assist in creating an unforgettable experience.
[00:04:20] A powerful ...
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