Click on the blog post {aka Show Notes} for any podcast below and the links are at the bottom! Enjoy!
Show Notes:
When it comes to labor, we can feel overwhelmed and unsure about what our bodies are doing to prepare for bringing our baby earth-side. I’m going to answer the most common questions about contractions, fluids, and when it’s time to head to your birth place.
[1:12] It’s been a WHIRLWIND, y’all! We have moved across the country from Utah to Florida this past week! We’re excited for our new home and the potential that this new place holds for us!
[2:45] This week’s episode was prompted by a question that we received in the private My Essential Birth Facebook group! ( Commercial Break: You can get access to this group by joining the My Essential Birth course!)
[3:05] Our reviewer of the week is Sarah Travaille, and she said, “I started listening to this podcast when I was 8 weeks pregnant (I am now 34 weeks), and it has been my saving grace. The knowledge I have gained from listening has been invaluable. I feel beyond...
Kayla and her husband, Grant, share about what mattered most when preparing for their first birth and how they are getting ready to meet this baby! Kayla openly shares about her struggle with and ultimate decision to become a mother. Her and Grant discuss the open communication that was so crucial for them prior to and during pregnancy. Kayla also discusses her concern with the changes having a child would make to her body, especially considering she is in the fitness industry. This is a must-listen because I know many, many women struggle with these same things and I love how she was able to work through each of these challenges.
Her birth story is incredible as well! She talks about how all of her prep left her unconvinced that she was even in labor come birthing time AND how she arrived at the hospital just in time to birth her baby, unmedicated, and exactly how she had planned for. I hope you absolutely enjoy listening to this week's birth story episode!
**PLUS, Kayla is...
50% Complete
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