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The Top 3 Themes of Motherhood with Jessica Lorion

There's a lot of information out there when in comes to pregnancy, birth and parenthood so what do you actually need to know when you're preparing for the journey ahead? If you're here, you're probably a mama who wants ALL the information and wants to be as prepared as possible! If so, this episode is for you!

I'm joined this week by Jessica Lorion, the host and producer of the podcast, Mamas in Training. She's here to share her best tips for getting prepared for pregnancy and birth based off of the three pillars of advocacy, community, and informed consent. 

JESSICA LORION is an American TV, film, and theatre artist based in NYC. She’s also the Host and Producer of the Podcast: Mamas in Training.

Screen credits include Metro Park (Eros Now/Amazon Prime), Homicide City: Charlotte (Investigation Discovery) and a national commercial for King Clean. Her theatrical credits include the North American tour of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast (Babette) and two productions of Mary Poppins (...

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The Magic of Postpartum Doulas, with Sariah Wight

As a mother of 3 and someone who has experienced postpartum depression and anxiety, I wish I had known about postpartum doulas sooner in my journey.

Postpartum care, especially in the U.S., is absolutely vital. Despite the popular narrative, postpartum care is not just about holding your baby and delivering frozen dinner. While those things are amazing and can be so helpful, postpartum doulas come equipped with extra knowledge, tools, and support measures to care for the whole you because you deserve to be taken care of too. 

I'm so honored to be joined by Sariah Wight, a postpartum doula here in Utah, who is here to share all her postpartum magic in this week's episode.


Show Notes:

1:11 - Our reviewer of the week shares that she loves sharing this podcast with her clients as a birth and postpartum doula

3:32 - Introducing Sariah Wight, a postpartum doula and mother of 3. She shares how she made the decision to become a postpartum doula after experiencing postpartum depression...

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The Best Birthing Positions for an Easier Labor & Birth

Does the thought of birth send your anxiety through the roof? If so, hang tight because the episode is for YOU.

Each day we receive messages from women who admit to being terrified to give birth, and it's easy to see why. In the United States, we treat birth as a medical crisis that demands immediate intervention --these practices put medical staff in the driver seat and women in the back seat as casual observers of their births. Unless there are complications, evidence supports that our bodies will instinctively move, sway, and adjust to put mom and baby into the ideal position for birth. 

Grab your birthing partner and tune in as my husband (yep...he's back!) and I give the benefits of several birthing positions that are going to make your pregnancy and birth just that much easier. Plus, you'll hear about how we work through them together, snippets from our birth story, and different ways partners and doulas can assist in creating an unforgettable experience.

[00:04:20] A powerful ...

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Achieving Balance in the Pelvis for Pregnancy and Birth with Deb Flashenberg

Tune into this excellent conversation we had with prenatal yoga instructor, doula, Lamaze Childbirth Educator, and mother, Deb Flashenberg as we discuss why it's so important to have balance in the pelvis throughout pregnancy and birth.  Deb shares her personal and professional experience including how she went from a five-hour pushing stage with her first baby to a five-minute pushing stage with her second baby all due to balance in the body and mind. We also discuss how having the proper preparation for the mind and body is crucial to your birth experience no matter how you're choosing to birth. 

Show Notes

2:44 - Why the topic of achieving balance in the pelvis lights Deb up. She has had some excellent personal and professional experiences to gather information and be able to share that on the podcast.

7:58 - There is so much more than just baby being head-down when we are talking about positioning. Listening to pain and discomfort can help us move into better positions during ...

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OB's vs Midwives Showdown

Don't let this title fool you- it's not that dramatic! We love both, and dislike both, depending on the provider. But the right provider for you will largely depend on what kind of birth experience you desire. Above all, find someone who respects and supports those birthing goals!
[2:45] The difference in Education/Schooling
[6:12] What kind of care each offers
[8:00] Who takes insurance and what that looks like
[8:57] Hot topic: Obstetricians are trained surgeons
[10:04] Midwives are trained in normal
[11:09] The different medications that can be prescribed during labor for each provider
[13:12] Cesarean birth rates
[14:11] What if a mom is high-risk??
[15:08] Reliance on medical tools
[15:50] The Med-wife
[22:16] OB vs Midwife during birth
[25:27] What we've observed as patients and doulas
[32:11] Questions to find the right provider for YOU
[33:29] Tell us who you chose and why!
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What You Don't Know Can Hurt You


TV lied. They almost always depict birth as super simple...
Pregnant woman shows up to the hospital with a frantic, fumbling husband.
Cut to a scene of the woman either panting or screaming.
Woman exits the hospital with a baby and big smiles.
There's SO MUCH that happens in between this "enter pregnant, exit with a baby" scenario, but too many mamas don't realize this until after their first birth. They leave feeling frustrated, maybe disappointed, and determined to be better prepared for their next birthing experience. Because...when it comes to birth, ignorance is NOT bliss.
Smart mamas know that understanding your options and what to expect puts you in the driver's seat! Yes, your provider is there to help you have a safe experience. But having an enjoyable birth experience is up to you. In this week's podcast episode, we get into some of the hot topics surrounding options during birth.
[1:06]: If you don't know your options, you may not have any
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