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Creating a Family-Centered Birth Experience: Including Children in the Birth Space

Show Notes:

[0:22] We have gotten a request to talk about siblings and having them there for your birth. Not your siblings, but your child's siblings. So if this is second, third, fourth, whatever, or you're pregnant with your first, stay right here, because you will eventually have another baby, and this is one of those fun things that we get to discuss.

[2:16] I will say children are so much more in tune to the needs, the situation, and the sacredness of the space than we give them credit for. The births that I have been a part of where siblings have been part of that birth story, they just get it.

[6:07] Little kids are smart. So we don't have to sugarcoat things. You can really be clear with them that baby's coming out of mommy's privates or vagina. Or I might make some vocal noises at this time, or this might happen, but if you understand what's going on with your body so that you can walk them through the process of what it might look like and what...

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