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7 Lies You've Been Told about Pregnancy & Birth

Show Notes:

[1:28] Our Reviewer of the Week, C-Gerber, said, "I found your podcast half way through my first pregnancy, and ended up buying your course soon after I listened to many of the birthing stories. I ended up having my first born daughter after only 7 hours of labour with no pain medication! It was an intense but amazing experience that I was able to have control of the whole situation. This course helped me take control of my first birth and allowed me to go into my labour confidently. My doctor was blown away at how fast I had my first child and my nurse was also amazed! I told them about this course I took and my nurse wanted to know what it was called so she could tell other woman about it after witnessing my birth!!!"

[2:37] You are not being told the complete truth when it comes to your pregnancy and birth. That is the reality of it. I am here to debunk some of these things for you. 

[3:22] Lie #1: You should schedule an induction if you are coming up to...

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