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Harnessing the Power of Your Cycle: A Guide to Fertility with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack of Fertility Friday

Show Notes:

[2:23] We have a Book Giveaway this week! We are giving away a copy of Real Food for Fertility written by Lily Nichols and Lisa Hendrickson-Jack. We have Lisa on the podcast today! 

In order to be entered into the giveaway, go give us a review! You're going to open up Apple Podcasts, find Pregnancy and Birth Made Easy Podcast, scroll down, select Ratings and Reviews. Click the stars, write a review, and tell us what was the most amazing, comforting, eye-opening thing that you loved from this week's episode, or just the podcast in general. Screenshot the review that you left and email it over to [email protected]!

[3:27] Our Reviewer of the Week, ERees307, said: "This podcast was my best resource during pregnancy! I just had my first baby and before the birth I listened to every episode of this podcast! My birth preferences went out the door when my babe was diagnosed with fetal growth restriction and I was scheduled to be induced...

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