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Birth Story: On Giving Birth Where You Feel Peace with Martha Henon

Show Notes:

[2:14] Our Reviewer of the Week, Cakes3054, "I am 35 weeks pregnant and just discovered this podcast last week. OMG I have been binge listening and have learned so much already. You ladies are amazing and I’m really hoping to get the birth I have envisioned this time around with my second. Thank you so much for all the information and all the tools you are providing to achieve our birth related goals!"

[3:01] Our guest today is Martha Henon, a mom of 2 and both of her birth experiences were at home! She is from Kentucky and a yoga instructor!

[3:46] Martha talks about the differences between her two pregnancies. She didn't find out the gender for either. 

  • 1st Birth (Daughter Cora): no morning sickness; one provider; inflatable tub; cervical lip; GBS+
  • 2nd Birth (Son): morning sickness; midwife; no tub

 [7:46] Stephanie asks Martha why she decided to do a home birth even when no one in her life had done one before. Martha said she's always been...

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Speedy Delivery: Erica’s Birth Story

On this weeks podcast, I had the pleasure of sitting with one of the members of the My Essential Birth Course, and talking about her most recent birth experience. Erica is a mother of three, and due to previous births that were less than she had hoped for, she decided to explore a different option for her third pregnancy. She talks about her provider experience - what needed to change for this birth, course experience - what worked well, and her partner's experience - how he was not only able to step up and support her but also how he was so proud of her afterwards. We also talked about many other important aspects of pregnancy and birth. You're in for a treat with this beautiful birth story!

Show Notes

3:18 - Erica introduces herself. She gives us a bit of background about who she is, where she’s from, and her family dynamics. She further talks about how she discovered MEB and her not-so-favorite experiences prior to joining the course.

8:58 Erica talks about the signs of...

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Transition & the Beauty of Surrender During Birth


The most intense, shortest, and possibly the most important part of the birth process, Transition not only moves you into the next stage of birth but also the transition into motherhood. This episode takes you through the mechanics of what's happening inside of the body during this stage, the spiritual side of transition, why surrendering is SO necessary, and what your partner must do to prepare.

Show Notes

2:00 - We go over what your body is physically doing during transition inside of your body (the mechanics!).

5:18 - How long does transition last??

6:48 - The spiritual side of transition. Yes, it may be the toughest part of birth but it's also stretching and spiritual too.

8:14 - Surrendering is necessary as we move into this part of labor. If you're wondering what this really means though, tune in here. + What surrendering doesn't look like.

21:24 - Preparation by the partner and with mom is so important before the birth, especially during this time of birth. Have your...

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Is Birth Like Running a Marathon?


Running a marathon was one of the most challenging, rewarding, and empowering experiences of my entire life, much like birth, and I am so excited to share this incredible story with all of you! Yes it's 100% true that you do not need to be able to run a marathon to give birth. I should know, I gave birth three times without ever being physically able to run a marathon. However, we often hear that the physical exertion required is about the same. So now that I have done both, I am anxious to tell you everything I've learned about the mental and physical powers of our minds and bodies.

Training for a marathon and training for birth have SO many similarities!

  • In both cases, you know the approximate date of when you need to be ready. So, if you knew you had 9 months to prepare, would you start preparing right away? I don't think most people would plan to "wing" a marathon, and you definitely can't "wing" birth!
  • I had to be committed & consistent with my runs. You need to be...
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