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Things They Don't Tell You: Postpartum Edition

Let us take you just a little deeper into the things people probably aren't telling you about the postpartum period. Don't worry, we laughed our way through this episode and we hope you will too! And as gross or frustrating as some of this info may be...it's simply part of the beautiful, messy, "wouldn't-trade-it" experience we call motherhood.
[1:19] If we could have a subtitle for this episode, it would be; "The 3 B's: Boobs, Blood, & Bodily Fluids" 
[2:55] We talk about blood flow postpartum, what to expect, and when to wear adult diapers.
[6:13] We talk about "gettin' it on" postpartum. ow ow!
[7:14] The stinks and the sweats. What is up with that postpartum BO?!
[10:03] We get into all the things boob-related. Rock hard boobs when baby has a nice long stretch of sleep during the night, the joy of bigger boobs (for us tiny-boobed people) and the sadness of watching them go away even when you're nursing all the time, the size of nipples & areolas,...
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