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Moms Need This: Occupational Therapy with Kayln Robertshaw

If you haven't heard of "Occupational Therapy," join the club! I literally never heard of this until Kayln reached out to me and it's something I think every mom should be aware of. In case you have NO idea what OT's do - it's holistic care from professionals that are trained to help people get back to all of their normal things they do in life. It can be as "small" as getting in and out of bed, making sure you're showered for the day, getting back to exercises or rock climbing...literally whatever your normal and joyful day looks like - they help.

It is a completely individualized approach to healthcare. You can head to your OB or pediatrician and ask for this kind of care BUT take a listen to see what may or may not qualify. The BEST part? It's usually covered by insurance so it's an inexpensive way to get the support you need no matter where you are at in your pregnancy, birth, postpartum...or life. 💜

Kayln Robertshaw is an occupational therapy doctorate student at Rocky Mountain...

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Interview with High-Risk Doctor: Nate Fox

Dr. Nate Fox, a Maternal-Fetal Medicine (aka High-Risk) doctor, joins us to discuss how passionate he is about what he does as well and answers some questions from YOU! We hope you'll enjoy listening to a doctor who clearly respects women and the process of birth, and that you will use his example and the information he shares as information in finding the right provider for you.

Here are some of the questions that were answered in this interview:

  • How did you get involved in birth work? What made you decide to specialize in high-risk?
  • What is your overall birth philosophy? 
  • What does a high-risk doctor do? Who do you see/most common diagnosis you deal with? Twins? Gestational Diabetes? Etc.
  • What do you do when someone comes to you late in pregnancy - is there anything you do to make them more comfortable with the process, especially women who are switching from a midwifery model of care or are seeking a less medically-managed birth? 
  • Talk to us about why high-risk doctors are...
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OB's vs Midwives Showdown

Don't let this title fool you- it's not that dramatic! We love both, and dislike both, depending on the provider. But the right provider for you will largely depend on what kind of birth experience you desire. Above all, find someone who respects and supports those birthing goals!
[2:45] The difference in Education/Schooling
[6:12] What kind of care each offers
[8:00] Who takes insurance and what that looks like
[8:57] Hot topic: Obstetricians are trained surgeons
[10:04] Midwives are trained in normal
[11:09] The different medications that can be prescribed during labor for each provider
[13:12] Cesarean birth rates
[14:11] What if a mom is high-risk??
[15:08] Reliance on medical tools
[15:50] The Med-wife
[22:16] OB vs Midwife during birth
[25:27] What we've observed as patients and doulas
[32:11] Questions to find the right provider for YOU
[33:29] Tell us who you chose and why!
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Assembling Your Dream Birth Team

If you want your dream birth, you need a dream birth team! They're kinda like the Avengers, but they have latex gloves & tired smiles instead of magical hammers and flying suits. Your dream team should consist of people who enthusiastically support your birth goals 100% and who have a track record of success. Second only to the knowledge & preparation you acquire through taking a super amazing birth course (wink!), your birth team is one of the most influential aspects in the outcome of your experience.
[3:22] 2 Categories of your birth team
[7:25] Why it's important to know what kind of birth you want and to have supporting information/research when you go to talk to those you love about supporting you in this birth.
[9:44] What do you do if you have some family members that may be imposing themselves on your space but you don't necessarily want them there?
[12:41] Your physical birth team - These people should support you 100%!
[15:09] HOW to find a great provider.
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