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Finding Freedom and Confidence in Parenthood with Sleep & Well-Being Specialist, Taylor Kulik

 Show Notes:

[2:11] - Our Reviewer of the Week is hellotrb, and she says "As I was pregnant with my second kiddo, I started to routinely listen to this podcast. I wanted a natural birth SO bad as my first one wasn’t. I hired a doula, read natural child birth books, and was glued to this podcast. On 1/19/23, I naturally delivered my sweet baby boy and have NEVER felt so great. I felt like going into this birth, I knew what my options were. The MOST important thing I learned from this podcast was deep breathing and meditation. Stephanie, you suggested practicing it every night and so I did. I truly feel that’s was got me through each contraction in a manageable way. Thank you!"

Thank you for your sweet review, and I love when you guys put this stuff into action. Congratulations on your baby. That's really exciting! 💜

[3:01] Our guest this week is Sleep & Well-Being Expert, Taylor Kulik! When it comes to baby sleep, I think it's exciting to know what's normal and when it's not norma...

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Things They Don't Tell You: Newborn Edition


It's ok to wonder why your birth team feels like you're qualified to take your baby home and keep them alive! Newborns give us so many firsts and the truth is none of us know what we are doing. Spoiler alert: you're going to be great. In the meantime, let's go over all the things that make us laugh, cry, and push our mental stability to the limit...knowing we wouldn't trade any of it for the world!

[4:42] I don't want to call myself selfish, but...
[7:23] Is my baby breathing?
[8:53] Cortney shares her experience with having a smart mom and an incredible support system for her newborn and herself postpartum.
[12:07] Can you have enough pictures and videos of your baby? Maybe!
[16:00] Kids love to hear stories about themselves as they get older. If you have boys, they especially love the poop and toot stories!
[18:02] The umbilical cord lasts for a hot minute and comes with bonus surprises! Yay!
[22:45] Electricity and depression can actually be paired during nursing.
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