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Yes, You CAN Have a VBAC! Trust Your Body and Find a Supportive Provider!

Show Notes:

[1:34] Our Reviewer of the Week, Kaiti Klucas, says: "1 million stars!  I am 17 weeks pregnant with my first and this podcast is EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for. It’s so hard to know what to trust and which ones are worth your time but as soon as I listened to the first episode I KNEW this is what I’ve been looking for. The first one I listened to was one about Unmedicated Birth, and it made me SO EXCITED. I already feel more empowered and ready to ask the right questions and figure out what’s best for me after one 50 minute episode! I look forward to my walks and down time 100x more now specifically because of this podcast. THANK YOU!!!"

[2:42] This week's episode is all about VBAC. You can birth your baby vaginally if you have had a prior cesarean, and I want to tell you why. So if you know anything about me, this is near and dear to my heart because I am a VBAC momma. Stephanie recaps her different birth experiences...

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