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Yes, You CAN Have a VBAC! Trust Your Body and Find a Supportive Provider!

Show Notes:

[1:34] Our Reviewer of the Week, Kaiti Klucas, says: "1 million stars!  I am 17 weeks pregnant with my first and this podcast is EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for. It’s so hard to know what to trust and which ones are worth your time but as soon as I listened to the first episode I KNEW this is what I’ve been looking for. The first one I listened to was one about Unmedicated Birth, and it made me SO EXCITED. I already feel more empowered and ready to ask the right questions and figure out what’s best for me after one 50 minute episode! I look forward to my walks and down time 100x more now specifically because of this podcast. THANK YOU!!!"

[2:42] This week's episode is all about VBAC. You can birth your baby vaginally if you have had a prior cesarean, and I want to tell you why. So if you know anything about me, this is near and dear to my heart because I am a VBAC momma. Stephanie recaps her different birth experiences...

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The VBAC Link: Making Birth Better after Cesarean with Meagan Heaton

Show Notes:

[1:12] Our reviewer of the week, ygbsbjx, says: “I’m in my third trimester and was very determined to not study up too much about giving birth just to preserve the mystery and romance and natural process of it. Then I stumbled upon this podcast, and now I can’t help but listen to every episode and am taking the online birth course. I can’t believe all of the information I have learned and now I have SOOOOO many questions for my next prenatal appointment. I also feel empowered that although I won’t be having a home birth (due to my husband's concerns), I know enough now to advocate for myself in the hospital to have the best birth I can try to have! I had no idea how many options, choices and decisions there are to be made that no one even talks to you about! Thank you!

 Here’s my advice for the not having a home birth statement really quick! 1.) Have your husband listen to the podcast! 2.) Schedule an appointment with a midwife...

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Recovering From Birth Trauma with Karina Robinson

Birth trauma is real and it can happen to women even when they've have done everything in their power to NOT have it happen, and it's NOT their fault! If you are wondering what you can do to avoid it OR you have experienced birth trauma and want to know how to heal from it, tune in this week! 

Karina Robinson, childbirth educator, doula, and almost midwife joins me as we walk through what causes birth trauma, how your birth partner can identify when you've experienced it, and how to avoid it with several different tools!


About Karina: 

I am a trained, certified, and skilled professional doula in the height of my life’s passion. I am in my element when, after weeks of preparation and education, I see a woman and her partner share a secret, knowing look of shimmering emotion that shows all their hard work paid off, in one of life’s most precious moments. This moment is further enhanced for me when the woman’s partner...

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Outdated Policies Hurting Your Birth

If you're unaware, there are policies from over 100 years ago still affecting your birth experience right now. The truth is that changes in policy, even when supported by evidence, take a long time to implement and can actually be hurting your birth. We cover the most common ones relevant to you today in this episode!
[3:54] Hospital birth is best for everyone - because it's cleaner and more sterile...right?!
[8:52] Can we please talk about being "overdue?"
[13:50] Don't eat and drink during birth!
[18:05] Time to dilate!
[21:18] Giving birth on your back just makes sense!
[23:43] VBAC is High-Risk - didn't you know?!
[26:11] Cut your perineum! It makes more space and you get some cool stitches too!
[31:52] Stop that flow of blood to baby immediately!
[35:15] Weigh and swaddle right away instead of skin-to-skin. It just makes sense.
[37:34] Ointment up those eyes and vaccinate that baby ASAP!
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Get Your VBAC On!

This is a must-listen for any woman who has had a prior cesarean birth and is curious about or planning for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). We talk about statistics for VBAC's and why they're on your side, plus how to overcome obstacles standing in your way- including your provider, your partner, and yourself. 
[3:18] What is a VBAC
[3:30] The facts about VBACs
[5:22] Benefits of a VBAC
[7:41] What are the risks?
[9:05] VBAC is safer than Elective Repeat Cesarean Birth
[9:40] What increases your odds of having a VBAC
[11:35] How to find a VBAC supportive provider
[13:51] Red Flags - How to tell if your provider sounds supportive but isn't really
[16:50] How to you get your partner on board
[18:09] How to convince yourself that you can do this!
[19:17] Resources
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If you haven't subscribed to the podcast yet, you definitely should! We love breathing life into our mamas and don't want you to miss a thing. Plus...
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2 Girls, 7 Totally Different Births


We share our personal birth stories which include hospital, birth center, and home birth, as well as cesarean birth, VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean), medicated, and unmedicated....does that cover everything?! PLUS, get the scoop on the one thing that made all the difference for BOTH of us when getting ready to have our babies.
Also poop, we talk about poop!
[1:47] In the U.S. 1/3 of women will find themselves in a cesarean birth
[2:27] The one thing
[2:57] Stephanie's first birth story...and that time when she was told by her provider that women with size 5 1/2 shoe and smaller, typically have a cesarean (say what?!)
[12:17] A lot of My Essential Birth mamas are mamas who have had a previous birth experience that they don't want to repeat
[12:47] Through preparation, you can control a lot of your birth
[13:47] Stephanie's 2nd birth...
[16:45] Third baby, Stephanie calls the one hospital in the area and they tell her to plan for...
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