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Becoming a Doula + Making Induction a Success with Bonnie Baker

A doula's role in assisting in childbirth is not only beautiful but also sacred. To those who maybe aren't so familiar, a doula is someone who supports women through pregnancy, birth and postpartum, mostly known for their hands-on support during the actual labor process. They also help the mother and her partner make informed decisions about the birth by providing emotional support, physical comfort, information and practical assistance. The best part? They work for YOU! Not your provider, not anyone else who may have an agenda, they are there to help you get all the information, and then support whatever decisions YOU choose to create your best birth.

If you're someone who wants to become or hire a doula, this episode is a treat to listen to! I have professional doula, and dear friend, Bonnie Baker, join me today to discuss the essential nuances of doula training, working as a doula, and we also dive a little deeper into how to have a successful birth...

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Forward-Leaning Inversion + Creating Balance in the Pelvis

Ask any mama-to-be to imagine her ideal birth experience, and you will hear phrases such as: "I want to feel comfortable, in control, and connected to my body." All this and more is possible with the proper preparation. This week's conversation is about increasing mom's comfort during birth by creating room in the lower pelvic/uterine area for the baby - which sounds complicated, but it isn't.

The magic is in one simple exercise - The Forward-Leaning Inversion. The Forward-Leaning Inversion is one of the core exercises you will find in the My Essential Birth Exercise Guide (link below). In this episode, you will learn how to perform this exercise safely and its many benefits, from helping posterior & breech babies to relieving lower back pain. We also review the importance of balancing the pelvis during pregnancy.
 [00:01:12] Thank you for our reviewer of the week, who credits My Essential Birth with providing her " the space and freedom to create [her] own...

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The Best Birthing Positions for an Easier Labor & Birth

Does the thought of birth send your anxiety through the roof? If so, hang tight because the episode is for YOU.

Each day we receive messages from women who admit to being terrified to give birth, and it's easy to see why. In the United States, we treat birth as a medical crisis that demands immediate intervention --these practices put medical staff in the driver seat and women in the back seat as casual observers of their births. Unless there are complications, evidence supports that our bodies will instinctively move, sway, and adjust to put mom and baby into the ideal position for birth. 

Grab your birthing partner and tune in as my husband (yep...he's back!) and I give the benefits of several birthing positions that are going to make your pregnancy and birth just that much easier. Plus, you'll hear about how we work through them together, snippets from our birth story, and different ways partners and doulas can assist in creating an unforgettable experience.


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Prodromal Labor & What It Means for Your Birth

 This week’s episode is going to focus on all of the ins and outs of prodromal labor. 2020 changed a lot of things for birth, including causing a ton of prodromal labor for expecting mamas. In this episode, I walk you through exactly what prodromal labor is, what the risks are, if there are any benefits, how to prevent it, what to do for yourself (and baby) if you end up experiencing it, and what it means for the end-game - in other words, how it affects your birth plan and if it ultimately means you can’t have the birth you were hoping for. Since this is something affecting tons of pregnant moms right now, you're definitely going to want to give this episode a listen and then tuck it away to review for later.

Show Notes

5:37 - What prodromal labor is, how it feels, how it compares to Braxton Hicks, and how it compares to active labor. I also talk about the different lengths in which it can range.

9:54 - My three very different birth experiences, how they compared,...

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The Most Important Things for Pregnancy & Birth

I can't believe I get to be here with you for the 100th Episode of this podcast! With my many years of experience, professionally and personally, I thought this would be the perfect time to gather together the very most important things for pregnancy and birth. These are things, time and time again, that help mothers to have the births that they desire. These are things that will make the biggest difference in helping you achieve the birth of your dreams.

Show Notes

3:11 - If you guessed that the #1 thing you're going to need for your best birth is your provider, you guessed right! If you've been following along, you know I repeat this over and over and over. I go a little deeper about why this makes a difference for your pregnancy and birth.

8:18 - The other part of your birth support is your partner. Are they supportive and knowledgeable? What if they're not? Who should you have in your birth space?

10:23 - Partners are encouraged to encourage you within the birth course. It makes...

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What Makes Labor Longer or Shorter?

We know you get to hear ALLLL of the craziest birth stories while you're pregnant and you're probably wondering, "How do I make sure my birth isn't like THAT?" Well, today we're answering your questions about what causes a longer or shorter labor and what you can do to have some control over it!

Show Notes

3:46 - The pros and cons to longer or shorter births. You may think you want a faster birth, but do you? You may want to really work through a nice long labor, but do you?

10:40 - If you're wondering what could contribute to things that make for a longer labor, listen in here.

26:59 - All of the things that will contribute to a shorter labor.

39:34 - The number one reason listed on medical documents for cesarean birth.


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What Are You Afraid Of?

You had fears before COVID-19 and you will have them after, but spoiler alert, you're going to work through them! How do we know? You're here, aren't you?! That means that you've walked through every single other fear or challenge to be standing here today. We believe in you, so let's tackle this together.
[4:24] What is fear? What does it look like during birth?
[5:57] What is empowerment? What does it look like during birth?
[7:46] Example - What if you fear is labor being too long?
[12:21] 1 to Stay 2 to Grow Challenge!
[22:04] You have to apply the knowledge.
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AND if you love all the great birth discussions, tips, and...
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