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Birth Story: Marin Cole's Unmedicated, Back Labor Birth

Show Notes:

Educating yourself about birth and knowing your options opens you up to so many more choices when it comes to the birth experience you want! Marin's birth story shows the importance of not only educating yourself, but also on staying firm with your choices and decisions on what is best for you and your baby. 

[1:11] Our reviewer of the week, Vandp13, says: “Best podcast AND host! I am just entering the 3rd trimester of my 3rd pregnancy, and I am a self proclaimed birth and breastfeeding nut. I found this podcast when I was about 10 weeks pregnant, and I have been binging ever since - some episodes I even listen to 5+ times! She is so good at giving pregnant mamas all their options and empowering them to advocate for themselves! I reached out to Stephanie on Instagram, and she replied so quickly and didn’t give me a ‘one size fits all’ answer. She asked me questions so she could answer me specifically, which I thought was amazing! I...

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The Evidence-Based Information You Need to Know about Real Food, Pregnancy Diets, & Postpartum Nutrition with Lily Nichols, RDN

Show Notes:

Join me this week as we uncover the evidence-based information that you need to know when it comes to your diet and nutrition while pregnant! You'll be shocked to see the difference between what your OB is telling you to eat versus what you should actually be eating!

[1:13] GIVEAWAY: As a bonus to thank you for listening to this episode and to ensure you get everything you can out of learning about prenatal nutrition, I am giving away a copy of our guest’s book, Real Food for Pregnancy! All you have to do is leave a review for The Pregnancy & Birth Made Easy podcast. Screenshot it and send it to [email protected]!

[2:33] Our reviewer of the week is, atap123, and she says: “I only wish I found this podcast earlier! I found this podcast at 37 weeks, and I have faithfully listened to an episode a day. Helped me remember so many things about birth that I forgot about since my first. And I love that it’s non-judgmental and open to all...

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Empowering Home Birth Story with Sarah & Matthew Bivens of the Doing It At Home Podcast

Show Notes:

No matter what kind of birth experience you want to have, the right support makes all the difference! Sarah & Matthew share how they were the creators of their experience and how love, trust, and confidence gave them what they needed to achieve the home birth they desired.

[1:11] Our reviewer of the week, Shaun Derenzo, said: “So inspired by this podcast! Hi Stephanie! Found your podcast through The Breastfeeding Talk Podcast, and now I can’t stop binging it! I am currently 8 months postpartum with my second baby, and you make me want to have another . . . AT HOME! Your words are so inspiring and listening to the work you do makes me want to become a birth doula (currently studying to be a certified lactation counselor . . . but who knows what else my future may hold ) HA! Thank you for the beautiful work you do for women and all the information you give to empower us through the most beautiful and life changing moments of motherhood. I will never...

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{REBROADCAST} Breastfeeding: The First 48 Hours with Sally Wright, IBCLC

Show Notes:

We're sharing our most downloaded episode in 2022!

One of the first things on our minds as soon as we have our babies is feeding them. Those first few days can feel like a blur, and if you're choosing to breastfeed, you may be feeling overwhelmed by ALL of the things you need to learn seemingly overnight. If you're worried about if you're producing enough or whether your baby is eating enough, or what the heck is happening to your nipple, don't worry. Take a breath. ‍

Our special guest, Sally Wright, an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) and mother of five, is here to help clear up the confusion and pump out the facts you actually need to know!

Sally grew up in Hawai'i and now lives in Utah. She is the mother of five children, including a set of twins. She has been an IBCLC since 2016 and has served as a volunteer Leader with La Leche League since 2006, providing community breastfeeding support. Sally especially loves helping parents...

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Avoid the Unnecessary Holiday Induction

Show Notes:

[1:11] Our reviewer of the week is blessedmama01, and she says: “Best podcast out there! Stephanie is so easy to listen to and gives such wonderful and helpful advice! I listened to this podcast all though out my pregnancy and felt so confident and prepared to have my baby. I cannot say enough good about Stephanie and highly recommend this podcast!”

This is going to be one of my quick, simple advice episodes! This time of year, it is SO important to avoid the holiday induction, because YES. It is real. We’ll be talking about five tips to keep baby right where he should be!

Side Note: It’s not just our providers that we need to be aware of and their plans, schedules, etc. Our families’ (and even our own) expectations and desires also need to be kept in check as well when deciding what’s best for baby and for mom during this busy time of year.

[2:48] Tip #1: Be open and honest with your provider about your feelings and concerns....

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Setting Your Newborn Up for Sleep Success with Unnati Patel

Show Notes:

[1:11] Our reviewer of the week is Wittyditty, and in her original review, she said: “I love this podcast! It is informative, fun to listen to, and encouraging. I love all the good info each week and the more natural approach taken while still considering moms in all kinds of situations. As a first time mom, I am just soaking up everything I can!”

She later updated her review after she had her baby, and it says: “We welcomed our precious baby girl into the world via a water birth at the birth center after a 7.5 hour labor! It was the birth of our dreams, and I owe so much of that to this podcast. The information I learned helped me feel so prepared and confident going into birth. This podcast helped me ask informed questions and helped calm any fears I had. THANK YOU for what you do!”

Thank you so much for this review! I would love to hear your entire birth story, @wittyditty! Send us an email at [email protected]. My favorite thing is...

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Birth Story: Turning Her Birth Experience Around with Cassidy Jacobsen

Show Notes:

[1:10] This week’s reviewer of the week, hellotrb, said: “Starting listening during my first pregnancy and fell in love. Through the encouragement of this podcast, I switched my provider at 32weeks. I doubted my feeling about the previous provider, and once I switched, it was like a breath of fresh air. Now pregnant with my second kiddo and have started again to listen to this amazing podcast!”

I’m so glad you’re here and listening to this week’s birth story! There is so much to unpack and learn here!

Instead of letting birth just "happen" to you, be an active participant in it! Educate yourself, know your options, and stand up for yourself! Your baby and your body are working together to help you achieve your best birth.

[1:53] Cassidy Jacobsen introduces herself and her family. She’s been married for six years and is a mama of two! She originally lived in Utah and moved to Texas so her husband could attend medical school....

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Fix Your Breastfeeding Mastitis with This New Protocol, Courtesy of Heather O'Neal & Maureen Farrell from The Milk Minute Podcast


Show Notes:

"What can I do to treat my mastitis?" It happens to so many mamas, and it can be painful, overwhelming, and just the absolute worst. But don't worry, I've got some incredible birth professionals from the Milk Minute Podcast here to help!

[1:11] Our reviewer of the week is Shannon Venus Taylor, and she says: “Hi! I absolutely love this Podcast as a Doula and first time mom I started listening to this podcast when I was 8 weeks pregnant. The information you share with your community is golden. This podcast has not only helped me improve my methods as a Doula but also provided me with a sense of ease and confidence during my home birth and postpartum journey. I will continue to recommend your Podcast to future clients and anyone in the birth community.

To all of my birth professionals who are listening, thank you for following along! I hope this is a place where you can soak up all the information. If you’re a new mom, I hope you’re...

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Where to Find a Provider + Top 10 Questions to Ask

Show Notes:

[1:12] Our reviewer of the week is Leannachaves2, and she says: “Hi! Not sure what my username is on here, but my name is Leanna. I’m 20 years old and currently 16 weeks pregnant with my very first baby, and I’ve been listening to this podcast since I was 4 weeks pregnant! I’m a researcher. I won’t even take a medication until I’ve researched class, possible side effects, and interactions. This podcast has been such a good resource for me to jump off of, because the second I found out I was pregnant, I KNEW I had to find accurate and reliable sources about pregnancy and childbirth. Originally, I was hoping to specialize in pediatrics, but this podcast has made me want to change and specialize in obstetrics. I’m 100% feminist, and I want to give women a voice and the access to giving informed consent because there is so much misinformation out there. Thank you for everything that you do, and the countless hours that must go into...

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The VBAC Link: Making Birth Better after Cesarean with Meagan Heaton

Show Notes:

[1:12] Our reviewer of the week, ygbsbjx, says: “I’m in my third trimester and was very determined to not study up too much about giving birth just to preserve the mystery and romance and natural process of it. Then I stumbled upon this podcast, and now I can’t help but listen to every episode and am taking the online birth course. I can’t believe all of the information I have learned and now I have SOOOOO many questions for my next prenatal appointment. I also feel empowered that although I won’t be having a home birth (due to my husband's concerns), I know enough now to advocate for myself in the hospital to have the best birth I can try to have! I had no idea how many options, choices and decisions there are to be made that no one even talks to you about! Thank you!

 Here’s my advice for the not having a home birth statement really quick! 1.) Have your husband listen to the podcast! 2.) Schedule an appointment with a midwife...

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